Wednesday, February 27, 2013


who else is ready for spring?!
We just had a ice/snow storm and are expected to keep getting snow until tomorrow. Imm so ready for the warm weather, and to buy our chickens!! The husband said he wants to get 15!!! I dont know if Im ready for two kids and 15 chickens!!! then adding a rooster or two! I am ready for our own eggs though.
I seen a post the other day on these really cool reusable beeswax bags!!

crappy picture and not finished yet (need to sew on the bottons and add some twine.) But they hold anything. sandwiches, fruit, veggies, bread, etc. and made out of scraps! A great way to reuse reduce and recycle!!!

have a great day! 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Becoming Green

My husband and I have been together for almost 7 years. Ever since we met we talked about owning a farm. We both want nothing more than to raise our children on a farm, and have decided we want it to be organic. Unfortunately we have sucky credit. So we are looking for grants to help us start this. Its kind of hard! LOL!!
Anyways, starting our green life without a farm, we are hoping to start a green garden. No more icky pesticides going into our bodies!
My 3 year old may be difficult with this since shes a picky eater. Luckily I can get her to eat bananas and berries. She also loves apples!
My 1 year old, he'll eat anything we put in front of him so he may be easy to switch to this

I just hope we can find a grant or SOMETHING so we can get this farm we are dying for! *sigh*
Just dont know!!!
